{"success":true,"payload":{"message":"Successfully ingested file! (Inserted=2 Updated=351, Skipped=0, DupsInFile=0, NoNeedToUpdate=0) Warnings=Extra Header passed in using upsert for UAGRIMET network in the json_hly_records table. Please check as that header is not in the database or it might be a typo. Please check header with name timestamp, soil6vwc_east100, soil18vwc_east100, soil36vwc_east100, soil60vwc_east100, soilt6_east100, soilt18_east100, soilt36_east100, soilt60_east100; JSON data in the table json_hly_records for UAGRIMET network requires some more values.Please provide the additional value for: eto, etr, solar, ea_avg, precip, rh_max, rh_min, td_avg, td_max, td_min, airt_avg, airt_max, airt_min, solar_mj, date_time, windd_avg, winds_avg, winds_max, precip_accum"}}